Russian art
Millon Belgium is an auction house in which our experts and specialists offer you a free estimate of your works of Russian art online and by appointment.
Our expertise is free, confidential and non-binding. They can be part of a succession, in anticipation of a possible sale or simply for information.
Specialists in Russian art and the current market, the AZ Auction team enhances your Russian objects from all centuries and all eras (silverware, Russian art object, icon, silverware, Fabergé object, Russian painting, Russian service, Orthodox object, silver object, vermeil object, Russian porcelain, shashka, Roumanov object, signature in Cyrillic, art of the tsars, Russian painting, Fabergé pot, art of Russian constructivism, Russian family portrait, Russian jewelry, Russian brooch , Russian medal, Russian medallion, vodka set, Fabergé kit, Russian cross, Caucasian object, Caucasian saber, Russian seal, Georgian object, kindjal, kovch, Fabergé case, Russian ballet art, Troika scene, Russian modern art, etc.)
Our work of free evaluation of your works of Russian art is also accompanied by an authentication work.
We can also, if you wish, present your Russian objects for sale on the occasion of one of our next themed auctions in order to obtain the best possible price.
We can also travel under certain conditions, and our team also organizes exceptional valuation days in different regions and cities in Belgium. We organize estimate services on Mondays from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at our Brussels office, without an appointment.
We will come back to you as quickly as possible with an estimate for your object